Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Industry Academia Networking

SEPSACS co-sponsoring
“Industry Academia Networking”

March 30, 2012, 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Venue: Kunkel Gallery
The Whitaker Center for the Arts & Sciences
222 Market Street, Harrisburg, PA 17101   
(Phone: 717-214-ARTS) 

The SEPSACS and The PA Tech Awards (the state's award celebration for the technology and innovation industry in Pennsylvania) are very pleased to announce the PA Innovator's Showcase.  The 2 to 4 PM showcase is designed to permit the visitors an opportunity to meet with the CIOs, CTOs, CEOs, and other IT and technology leaders as well as the Board of Directors, members of the TechQuest Pennsylvania and the general public.  With more than 195 PA Tech Award nominee companies, the showcase gives an opportunity to spend 2 hours with the leaders to share their innovations and technology.  This is a golden opportunity to learn about the region’s leading technologies and their needs for the next generation of work force.  It's also an innovation pre-party before the finalists and winners are announced later in the evening at the PA Tech Awards ceremony.
Who should attend?
Anyone!  Especially, the faculty members and students of all colleges, universities and high schools should attend to learn about the trends of the industry and cutting edge technologies of the central Pennsylvania region.
This event is open to the public.

Please feel free to forward any questions to

Anis Rahman, Chair
Phone: 717-220-1003

For TecQuest:

Kelly Lewis, CEO, TCCP: klewis@tccp.org
Joelle Bailey: jbailey@tccp.org

Call for abstracts

August 19 - 23, 2012
Materials for Health & Medicine
Philadelphia, PA
Abstracts submission deadline: 3/19/2012
Terahertz Spectroscopy Moves From the Laboratory to the Commercial Sector
Dear Colleague,
We have great pleasure to inviting you to the upcoming ACS National Meeting in Philadelphia.  The division of small chemical businesses (SCHB) is organizing a special symposium on “Terahertz Spectroscopy Moves From the Laboratory to the Commercial Sector,” with emphasis on advances in terahertz spectroscopy and applications in analytical techniques, pharmaceuticals, biomedical, conservation science, forensic science, security technology, geology, & other areas.  This symposium also presents an opportunity for the exchange of knowledge, including discussions of development of current and break through terahertz techniques and their applications.  
Contributions addressing subjects pertaining, but not limited to, the above mentioned areas are solicited.  Papers, including spectroscopic techniques and other terahertz applications in solving important problems are also welcome.
Abstracts are being accepted.  Please login to: http://abstracts.acs.org/
Instructions for using PACS are available on the PACS Resources page at www.acs.org/pacs_resources
Terahertz symposium: Anis Rahman, PhD, a.rahman@arphotonics.net
SCHB Program Chair: Joseph E. Sabol, PhD, jsabol@chem-consult.com